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St. Vincent | Review

Sinners And Saints: Melfi’s Debut an Unobtrusive Crowd Pleaser For a few moments during its initial set-up, Theodore Melfi’s directorial debut, St. Vincent, seems on...

Ride the Lightning: MVFF37 is Distinctly Heavy (Metal) on Awards Season Contenders

Turning an ageless 37, the Mill Valley Film Festival, which open tomorrow (runs until October. 14th), continues to beat to a tune of its own. With...

Palme d’Or Winner, Studio Ghibli Pair, “St. Vincent” & “Song of the Sea” Among TIFF’s Final Wave Items

Bill Murray is coming to Toronto folks. Actually, the film he stars in (Theodore Melfi's St. Vincent) is having its official World Premiere launch at...

2014 Sundance Film Festival Predictions List: An Intro

Kids. Such as Sex, Lies, and Videotape or Reservoir Dogs before it, and such as Winter's Bone, Blue Valentine and Fruitvale Station after it, Larry...
