DVD Review: Criterion Collection: Kes [Blu-ray]


Criterion Collection: Kes [Blu-ray]

Click here to read the dvd review!

As a film, Kes has often been described as documentary-style. Not only is that inaccurate, it demeans Loach’s achievement; as if he somehow deceived audiences into believing this waif-and-bird story simply through stylistics. There isn’t the slightest aspect of cinema verite anywhere within Kes’s angst stricken blue-green layers.

David Anderson
David Anderson
David Anderson is a 25 year veteran of the film and television industry, and has produced and directed over 2000 TV commercials, documentaries and educational videos. He has filmed extensively throughout the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean for such clients as McDonalds, General Motors and DuPont. Top Films From Contemporary Film Auteurs: Reygadas (Silent Light), Weerasathakul (Syndromes and a Century), Dardennes (Rosetta), Haneke (Caché), Ceylon (Climates), Andersson (You the Living), Denis (35 Shots of Rum), Malick (The Tree of Life), Leigh (Another Year), Cantet (The Class)

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