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Photo Journal: Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors

IONCINEMA journalist Jameson reports from Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors, happening this weekend in Secaucus, NJ.

Hello IONCINEMA readers, Jameson here reporting from Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors, happening this weekend in Secaucus, NJ. Kind of like a mini-comic con focusing on horror in film, print, and every other medium that can cause you to scream, squirm, or squeeze your date just a little bit tighter.

Here are a few pictures from the event.

Film is a collaborative art form, and if you're a filmmaker, conventions can be great places to network with special effects artists, like the guys at Dissolve, who can squib-free F/X around your script (in other words, they save you lots of money and provide you with professional-quality F/X).

Tony from Anatomy F/X, located right here in NJ.

It wouldn't be a horror convention without Troma, now would it?

Author Mark Tarrant, who's debut western/vampire novel The Blood RIder, will go on sale it August. Learn more at

The convention is sponsored by Rockstar Games's upcoming Manhunt 2, which has spawned more controversy than most horror movies. As close to a virtual reality murder simulation as you can get, the release date has been delayed while the game is re-edited.

Cool posters help sell DVDs of movies with few other redeeming qualities.

Cool posters also help sell tickets to horror movies that might actually be good.

2007's guest of honor — Stan Winston, the academy award winning F/X mastermind behind Predator, Aliens, Jurassic Park, and the upcoming werewolf flick, Skinwalkers.

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