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Sundance Institute’s Creative Producing Labs: Bluebird, Nobody Walks, West Memphis Three

We often hear about the Sundance Labs for screenwriters and directors, but don't worry folks, producers aren't being neglected, in fact the Sundance Institute have a pretty good initiative for the next generation of producers. The Sundance Institute announced a series of initiatives designed to support independent producers in feature film and documentary.

Frozen River claims top prize at the Gotham Awards

Ballast might have lead the total number of nominations, but it is Frozen River who picked up a pair, including Gotham Awards’ top prize. Really?

Shut Up and Sing | Review

Guts to Speak Out

Harlan County, U.S.A. – Criterion Collection (1976) | DVD Review

"the most powerful scenes unfold when things get violent as the miners face off against local police, strikebreakers and corporate thugs."

The 2005 Blacklist Update: Where are they Now?

Call this a post-Oscars afterthought, but I think the inaugural 2005 blacklist for un-produced screenplays is working out to be a fairly good predictor/barometer in discriminating the output of quality films and misfires.
