As usual, the Masters programme is cholk-full of carryover items from world renowned auteurs who've already premiered last February (Berlin), this past May (Cannes)...
Starting off the day with Pedro and will verify whether Spanish critics are right with their assessment back in March, this will be followed by Cristian Mungiu
Variety reports that Celluloid Dreams has taken international sales outside Italy for Marco Bellocchio’s Benito Mussolini biopic. Set to start shooting in April...
Celluloid Dreams, the Sales Agent and Production Co. based out of Paris have got a pair of films playing in the festival's line-up in the closing night film Honore's Beloved and the UCR selected Loverboy from Romania. The top title in our books is Marjane Satrapi's Chicken with Plums which is currently in post and would currently be a contender for a Venice slot and Frederick Wiseman's next docu (see pic above) and an Italian number from Marco Bellocchio called Sorelle Mai.