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Top 3 Critics’ Picks: Dee Rees, Chris Smith & Luca Guadagnino this November’s Top 3 Critics’ Picks offers a curated approach to the usual quandary: what would you recommend I see in theaters this month? We’re...

Guess Who’s Coming to the Awards Dinner? Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” Leads 2017 Gotham Award Noms

Today's Gotham Awards nominees announcement proves that the film's themselves have their own against all odds narratives. With the five noms for the Best...

2016 True/False Film Festival: Jordan M. Smith’s Postscript

It might be missing the industry saturated Park City fervor, but the smaller, shorter, and more intimate Columbia, Missouri based True/False Film Festival is the Rolls-Royce...

Best of 2014: Jordan M. Smith’s Top 20 (Picks 10-1)

#20. The Skeleton Twins #19. Obvious Child #18. A Spell To Ward Off The Darkness #17. Wild #16. 112 Weddings #15. The Vanquishing of the Witch Baba Yaga #14. Tales of...

Best of 2014: Jordan M. Smith’s Top 20 (Picks 20-11)

It seems with each passing year the flood of year end lists are published earlier and earlier, assuring that at least a handful of...


The Order | Review

Oh, Canada | Review

Pieces of a Man: Schrader Explores Atonement in Toned...