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BOF: Tromsø International Film Festival

TIFF is a popular film festival for our audience, and at the same time an important meeting point for Norwegian and international film industry. TIFF07 will be Tromsø's 17th international film festival. Tromsø International Film Festival had in 2006 a total admission of 44 804. This makes TIFF Norway' largest festival.

Top 10 Undistributed Films

Every season takes a look at those who were left in the cold - films that didn't get picked up for U.S distribution and deserve a second look from the multitude of buyers.

L’Enfer | Review

Damage Control

11’09”01 – September 11 | Review

The Day that Changed America


The Order | Review

Oh, Canada | Review

Pieces of a Man: Schrader Explores Atonement in Toned...

Nightbitch | Review

All About My Mother: Amy Adams Goes to the...

The Girl With the Needle | Review

Casa de los Babys: von Horn Hits