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Top 25 Most Anticipated Studio Films of 2015: #5. Alejandro González Iñárritu’s The Revenant

All things documentary, foreign and American independent film are what the staff unabashedly bleeds for here at Film snobbery aside, we've identified twenty-five studio film offerings...

Tongue Twister; Amy Adams Deciphers New Language for Villeneuve’s “Story of Your Life”

Spike Jonze. David O. Russell. Paul Thomas Anderson. And now Denis Villeneuve. Amy Adams has the pick of the auteur litter and according to...

Most Anticipated Films for 2015: An Overview

Last month, we unveiled our all-encompassing, most anticipated films for the current year in film. Now we peer into a future that is a...

Top 200 Most Anticipated Films for 2014: #165. Cameron Crowe’s Deep Tiki

Deep Tiki Director: Cameron Crowe Writer: Cameron Crowe Producers: Scott Rudin and Crowe U.S. Distributor: Columbia Pictures Cast: Bradley Cooper, Rachel McAdams, Emma Stone, Alec Baldwin, Danny McBride Excluding his...

Best of 2013: Jordan M. Smith’s Top 20 Films (Picks 10 to 6)

Continued from picks 15 to 11…. 15. American Hustle – David O. Russell 14. The Wolf of Wall Street – Martin Scorsese 13. Blue Is the Warmest...
