Tag: Elli

SODEC Coin for Bertrand Bonello, Maxime Giroux, RKSS & Delphine Girard

Quebec's SODEC (the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles) are giving some coin to future international co-productions with Bertrand Bonello's La Bête leading the...


The Substance | Review

Woman of Substance: Fargeat Rejuvenates Body Horror with Pulpy...

Joy Division: Camille Razat, Elsa Zylberstein & Lyna Khoudri Topline Mounia Meddour’s Drama Romance

After her break-out female empowerment portraits in the Cannes...

Sexual Misorientation: Hamaguchi Prepping Paris-Shoot ‘Our Apprenticeship’

Back in May we had learned that Ryusuke Hamaguchi...