Tag: Toby Wallace

The Royal Hotel | Review

Kitty Green Takes her 'Assistant’ To The Outback in Sunburn Sizzler After exploring the ways in which workplace rape culture enables predators like Harvey Weinstein...

Top 200 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2023: #14. Kitty Green’s The Royal Hotel

The Royal Hotel A favorite of ours amongst working female directors always surprising us with her ingenuity, originality and formal rigueur as witnessed in the...

Babyteeth | Review

Death Comes for the Ozzie Frippet: Murphy Looks to Love Amidst Dysfunction in Cancer Melodrama Precocious teens represent a burgeoning film subgenre all to themselves---and...


Parthenope | Review

The Boring & Beautiful: Sorrentino’s Tone Deaf Portrait of...

Bring Them Down | Review

Everybody Hurts: All Pain and No Gain in Christopher...

Interview: Natalia León – Como si la tierra se las hubiera tragado (2025 Sundance Short)

A touching, sober, political and poignant text on femicide,...