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2015 TIFF: Porumboiu, Muntean, Sewitsky & Tsangari Among Contemporary World Cinema Selections

Anne Sewitsky's Sundance preemed Homesick, Cannes preemed Romanian imports from Radu Muntean's One Floor Below and Corneliu Porumboiu's The Treasure along with Athina Rachel...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2021: #60. Kirill Serebrennikov’s Petrov’s Flu

Petrov’s Flu Russia’s Kirill Serebrennikov 2004 film Ragin, based on a Chekov story, won the East of West Award at Karlovy Vary and 2008’s Yuriy’s...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2021: #62. Aurélia Georges’ La Place d’une autre

La Place d’une autre (The Place of Another) Director Aurélia Georges promises to be a breakout in 2021 with her third project La Place d’une...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2020: #91. Se Escuchan Aullidos – Julio Hernández Cordón

Se Escuchan Aullidos One of Mexico’s busiest directors over the past decade has been the multi-award winning Julio Hernández Cordón, who will likely have three...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2020: #93. Charter – Amanda Kernell

Charter Sweden’s Amanda Kernell is poised to debut her sophomore feature Charter in 2020, produced by Lars Lindstrom and Eva Akergren. Kernell reunites with her...


Emilia Pérez | Review

Risky Business: Audiard Surprises with Vibrant Genre Musical Although...