French horror duo Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury are set to return with a vengeance in 2020, potentially premiering two features. The first looks to be their fifth project, Kandisha, produced by Delphine Clot and Guillaume Lemans and stars Mathilde La Musse, Samarcande Saadi, Suzy Bemba and Nassim Lyes Si Ahmed. Simon Roca (who lensed F.J. Ossang’s 9 Fingers in 2017 and Lou Jeunet’s Curiosa, 2019). Composer Raf Keunen (who works regularly with Michael R. Roskam) provides the score, and their usual editor Baxter (who has often worked with France’s other Splat Pack alum, Alexandre Aja) is also on hand.
Gist: In the suburbs one summer, three young women accidentally invoke the spirit of Kandisha, a hateful spirit from Moroccan folklore. As their relatives begin to die, the women must figure out a way to defeat the entity before it’s too late.
Release Date/Prediction: Shot in June/July of 2019, we expect Maury & Bustillo to return to TIFF in 2020, likely in Midnight Madness (which programmed Inside and Livid).