White Bird in a Blizzard
Director/Writer: Gregg Araki
Producer(s): Why Not Productions’ Pascal Caucheteux and Sebastien Lemercier
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Eva Green, Shailene Woodley, Christopher Meloni, Shiloh Fernandez, Angela Bassett, Gabourey Sidibe, Jacob Artist and Dale Dickey.
Extremely diligent in adapting novels for the big screen (Mysterious Skin is by far the best in his filmography), Gregg Araki’s expertise is the teen/youth generation segment of the population and with White Bird in a Blizzard, the novel’s lead character is equal parts teen angst and young adult’s first steps. A moody, knock-out type performance could determine what kind of shelf-life Shailene Woodley ultimately has when it comes to future lead roles.
Gist: Based on the novel by Laura Kasischke, this is about a young woman (Shailene Woodley) whose life is thrown into chaos when her mother (Eva Green) disappears.
Release Date: Filming began rather late in 2012, so if post-production phase is expeditive – this could be readied in time for a Cannes showing (where Kaboom was slotted as an out-of-comp selection) but the more logical route is for Venice-TIFF showings and then a U.S premiere at Sundance ’14.