2013 Cannes Film Festival Predictions: Alain Guiraudie’s The Unknown Lake


#48. Alain Guiraudie’s The Unknown Lake

Gist: “In this love story, two men meet in a nudist resort on the banks of a lake, but one of them is a murderer.” Alain Guiraudie is one of the most interesting French filmmakers almost no one has heard of, winning the praises of Jean-Luc Godard for his short 2001 feature, That Old Dream That Moves (“The best film at the Festival de Cannes.”) and continuing on to make some of the freshest queer films in, well, ever.

Prediction: One day Guiraudie will get out of the Fortnight – three of his last four feature have played in Cannes, and they’ve all been put there – and they day may well be now…but our money is safely placed on it being four for four. If it winds up in Un Certain Regard, it’s an upgrade well-earned and overdue.

Blake Williams
Blake Williams
Blake Williams is an avant-garde filmmaker born in Houston, currently living and working in Toronto. He recently entered the PhD program at University of Toronto's Cinema Studies Institute, and has screened his video work at TIFF (2011 & '12), Tribeca (2013), Images Festival (2012), Jihlava (2012), and the Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley. Blake has contributed to IONCINEMA.com's coverage for film festivals such as Cannes, TIFF, and Hot Docs. Top Films From Contemporary Film Auteurs: Almodóvar (Talk to Her), Coen Bros. (Fargo), Dardennes (Rosetta), Haneke (Code Unknown), Hsiao-Hsien (Flight of the Red Balloon), Kar-wai (Happy Together), Kiarostami (Where is the Friend's Home?), Lynch (INLAND EMPIRE), Tarantino (Reservoir Dogs), Van Sant (Last Days), Von Trier (The Idiots)


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