A comedy that was a 2008 Blacklist script favorite, Stu Zicherman and Ben Karlin’s A.C.O.D: Adult Children of Divorce finally began filming in March of this year, a couple of months after Mary Elizabeth Winstead revealed her dramatic skill-set in the Sundance break-out hit Smashed. This is Zicherman’s debut behind the camera, with his previous credits being in the producing capacity and as the scribe for a pair of items nowhere close to Sundance’s tastes in Gordon Chan’s 2000 AD and the Jennifer Garner actioner, Elektra. Co-starring with Winstead, we find Adam Scott and his Parks and Recreation better half Amy Poehler (show pic above), Jessica Alba, Jane Lynch, Adam Scott, Catherine O’Hara, and Richard Jenkins.
Gist: Stu Zicherman and Ben Karlin, this is about a grown man (Scott) who is still caught in the crossfire of his parents 15 year divorce. He discovers he was unknowingly part of a study on divorced children and is enlisted in a follow-up years later, which wreaks new havoc on his family.
Production Co./Producers: Process Productions’ Tim Perell (World’s Greatest Dad) and Black Bear Pictures’ Teddy Schwarzman (At Any Price)
Prediction: Premieres Section
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available