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DVD Review: The Beaver

“If Foster were not the person at the helm, we might suppose this was some bizarre surrealist mock-fantasia, but because it is Foster, it actually only ends up being bizarre. At certain intervals, while dialogue is supposedly going on between beaver-Walter and the youngest son, even the young Stewart can hardly suppress the look of unbelief at the proposition that he is actually talking to a puppet. And that’s one of those few telltale signs that you’ve got a mess on your hands.”

The Beaver

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“If Foster were not the person at the helm, we might suppose this was some bizarre surrealist mock-fantasia, but because it is Foster, it actually only ends up being bizarre. At certain intervals, while dialogue is supposedly going on between beaver-Walter and the youngest son, even the young Stewart can hardly suppress the look of unbelief at the proposition that he is actually talking to a puppet. And that’s one of those few telltale signs that you’ve got a mess on your hands.”

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