Review: Life in a Day


Life in a Day

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“At times, what could be powerful and poignant comes across as gimmicky and manipulative. In the ‘what do you fear?’ section especially the film begins to preach, to distort the meaning of images in their juxtaposition with others. An anthemic score changes the weight of a scene and gives it undue gravitas, overstating its case. However, this portion of the film is a rare misstep and the editing is consistently motivated and often moving.”

Jesse Klein
Jesse Klein
Jesse Klein (MFA in Film and Video Production from The University of Texas at Austin) is a Montreal-born filmmaker and writer. His first feature film, Shadowboxing, (RVCQ '10, Lone Star Film Festival '10) . As well as contributing to IONCINEMA, he is the senior contributor to This Recording and writes for ION Magazine and Hammer to Nail. Top Films From Contemporary Film Auteurs: Almodóvar (All About My Mother), Coen Bros. (Fargo), Dardenne Bros. (Rosetta), Haneke (The White Ribbon), Hsiao-Hsien (Flowers of Shanghai), Kar-wai (In The Mood For Love), Kiarostami (Close-Up), Lynch (Blue Velvet), Tarantino (Jackie Brown), Van Sant (To Die For), von Trier (Breaking The Waves)

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