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2023 Gan Film Foundation: Aurélien Vernhes-Lermusiaux’s “La couleuvre noire” & Louise Hémon’s L’engloutie Land Coveted Prize

The Gan Film Foundation has been supporting first and second screenplays for more than three decades now and it's no secret that the majority...

2023 Sundance Film Festival: 99 Features Films Selected!

Highly anticipated films from Brandon Cronenberg, William Oldroyd, Cory Finley, Ira Sachs, Sophie Barthes and Sebastian Silva and directorial debuts from the likes of...

2022 Toronto Intl. Film Festival: 100 Predictions (Part III) Chen, Frears, Zeller, Lafleur, Spielberg & Polley

And here we are with the third part in our top 100 predictions. Chad Chenouga's third feature film Le Principal might be one of those...

2022 Venice Film Festival: 70 Predictions (Part II) Aroonpheng, Lindholm, Hogg & Rolf de Heer

Only hours before TIFF unveil what should be a sizeable amount of their line-up (and in the same sweeping motion confirm a lot of...

Criterion Collection: Love Affair (1939) | Blu-ray Review

If there’s any film which really conjures an ‘empire state of mind,’ it’s Leo McCarey’s 1939 romantic tearjerker, Love Affair. Strangely, despite an intensely...


Oh, Canada | Review