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Asian Delights: TIFF Loads up Masters with Zhangke, Ki-duk, Lav Diaz & Sangsoo; Midnight Madness Grabs World Preem to Alex de la Iglesia’s Witching...

The coveted final spot in the Midnight Madness section, is a world premiere screening that belongs to Alex de la Iglesia’s Witching & Bitching...

Top 20 Alternative Picks for Cannes 2013: Lav Diaz’s Norte, the End of History

Norte, the End of History - Lav Diaz Section: Un Certain Regard Buzz: Buzz: Lav Diaz can get ghetto-ized as that Filipino director who makes obscenely...

25 Alternative 2011 TIFF Picks: Lav Diaz’s Century of Birthing

The guy known for the longest average film-length of any active filmmaker may have actually lowered said average with this relatively modest six hour-long film, but it's awfully dismissive to simply write him off as a high-brow spectacle. Combining performance art, an utmost humanism, and the frankest portrayals of duration that the cinema has ever seen, Lav Diaz is the Thanksgiving meal of film festival offerings.

2014 TIFF: From Locarno with Love…Wavelengths Offers Rich Programme with Diaz, Costa, Piñeiro & Ming-liang

Yesterday, TIFF’s Wavelengths program unveiled a Locarno-heavy line-up of feature-length films that all aim to push the cinematic medium to its breaking point. Highlights...

Forget the Soap…12 Years A Slave Pulls Five Finger Discount at the 2014 Indie Spirit Awards

Steve McQueen's 12 Years A Slave pulled a five finger discount at the 2014 Indie Spirit Awards grabbing hardware in the Best Feature, Best...
