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Top 100 Most Anticipated American Indie Films of 2018: Picks 200 to 101

Last week, Nicholas Bell helped us ring in the new year with our Top 200 most anticipated world cinema items. We also highlighted our...

2018 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Gareth Evans’ Apostle

A bromance between the festival and this Welsh started back when The Raid: Redemption received it U.S. premiere during the 2012 edition. Sundance has...

2018 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: An Introduction

Tomorrow we begin our crystal ball overview of the 75 titles that we believe to be the odds on favorites for a possible 2018...

2016 Sundance Film Festival: Nicholas Bell’s Top 5 Most Anticipated Films

Despite the initial anticipation or dismay for every annual major film festival line-up, Sundance remains an inherent conjurer of new breakout talent. Though we...

Tusk | 2014 TIFF Review

Another Tuskegee Experiment: Smith’s Latest Creation Odd But Not Audacious Sure to garner all the WTF exclamatory delights that it’s had its grotesque little heart...


Oh, Canada | Review