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BOF: Int. Short Film Festival Oberhausen

In the course of more than five decades, the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen has become one of the world's most respected film events - a place where filmmakers and artists such as Martin Scorsese, George Lucas, Roman Polanski, Alexander Kluge and Werner Herzog, and more recently Ulrike Ottinger, Romuald Karmakar, Pipilotti Rist, Jean-Pierre Jeunet and François Ozon have presented their first films.

Parthenope | Review

The Boring & Beautiful: Sorrentino’s Tone Deaf Portrait of a Lady It’s unfortunate no one’s as likely to be infatuated with the eponymous Parthenope (pronounced...

2024 Cannes Film Festival Predictions – 25 Possible Palme d’Or Competition Films

Usually in the twenty to twenty-two film range, the competition for the Palme d'Or has been a tad more inclusive in recent years in...

2023 Cannes: Palme Winner Julia Ducournau, Paul Dano & Rungano Nyoni Among Jury!

Ruben Östlund has a bunch of cinephile buddies to help him hand out the big daddy of all film prizes this May with the...

Par Coeurs | Review

A Matter of Method: Jacquot Surveys the Techniques of Two French Titans in Conversational Doc “I’m all at sea,” moans Isabelle Huppert at the onset...
