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Marmato | 2014 Sundance Review

Grieco Witnesses Dirty Deeds Done In Exchange For Gold Mining is a dirty business, obviously, but not just in the harsh physical conditions of the...

Film Festival Coverage Guide: 2013 Sundance

Here is a complete listing of the films that were shown/covered by the team comprised of Nicholas Bell (NB), Jordan M. Smith (JS)...

2013 Guide to the Sundance Twitterverse: Premieres and Docu Premieres

Here are some of the twitter feeds for those participating in the Sundance Film Festival's 2013 Premieres and Docu Premieres section including (image featured above)...

Top 3 Critic’s Picks In Theaters this June: Corpo Celeste, Your Sister’s Sister, Beasts of the Southern Wild

It'll be slim pickings in the month of June as there isn't much in terms of U.S. indie, foreign and documentary films that stand...

55th San Franciso Int. Film Fest: Farewell, My Queen and Farewell to Festival Stalwarts

The 55th edition of the San Francisco International Film Festival opens today, April 19th with the French period drama "Farewell, My Queen" by Benoît...


The Girl With the Needle | Review

Casa de los Babys: von Horn Hits a Bleak...