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Interview: Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler)

I wasn’t very. I think a lot of guys my age had about an 8-month romance with wrestling when they were kids. It was during the “hulk-a-mania” craze. I went to one match at Madison Square where Hulk was the bad guy. He was against Tony Atlas, and I remember the Hulk trying to throw Atlas, but missing, giving Atlas the opportunity to pull Hulk’s pants off. I was so excited I lost my voice for about three months.

Logan’s Run Out: What Will Aronofsky Direct Next?

Just when we were getting used to the idea that the Requiem For a Dream/Black Swan director was joining the Marvel universe, now comes word that Darren Aronofsky has officially dropped The Wolverine --- he cites being away from home, but if I were in his shoes I'd be weary about radiation and earthquakes so I wouldn't shoot a film in Japan either.

Filmlinc 2010: Aronofsky and Weir Retrospectives

Film Society of Lincoln Center went standing room only style this week with not one but two all-star retrospectives. The first was the man currently sitting in the seat of best American filmmaker period, Darren Aronofsky. The second was legend of atmospheric storytelling Peter Weir.

Two False Starts and Pitt and Aronofsky are Still ‘Hunting’ for a Project Together

If at first two tries (The Fountain, The Fighter) you don't succeed, then try for the third time is where Darren Aronofsky is headed. I would have thought that the tenacious/stubborn Aronofsky would have dropped his working with Brad Pitt dream, but in the first major announcement at this year's Cannes film fest, the busy until 2017 Aronofsky has teamed with Focus Features to make something out of their deal with Random House book's film division.

Cassel, Ryder and Hershey Trio Added to Aronofsky’s ‘Black Swan’

After reminding cinephiles that Rourke and Tomei can play "washed up" but are far from being washed up in their careers, taking a page from Quentin Tarantino's book, today's golden scoop (courtesy / informs us that vets Winona Ryder, Barbara Hersey and Vincent Cassel are the supporting cast to the already announced Kunis and Portman duet.
