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Venice Film Festival: Aronofsky, Arriaga, Denis, Kiarostami & Bahrani among the 65th edition

This year's Venice Film Festival (Aug. 27-Sept. 6.) looks like what the top tier of the medal standings might be comprised of at the upcoming Olympic games.

Aronofsky stretches muscles for ‘Swan’

Despite lackluster box office results for his ambitious The Fountain, Universal Pictures are looking to team up with Darren Aronofsky on a feature that tugs at the world of ballet – and it is save to say that this won’t come close to Altman’s The Company.

Black Swan Swooned at Indie Spirit Awards

I went 10/13 with my predictions of the Indie Spirits today -- my misfires came in the Best Picture and Best Actress categories thinking that Winter's Bone had the edge over Black Swan. Not that Winter's Bone didn't have a good night (it won in the Best Supporting categories - I thought that Bill Murray had the edge over John Hawkes is where I flubbed as well) but it was indeed a Black Swan event -- with additional wins for Directing (Darren Aronofsky) and Cinematography (Matthew Libatique). You can find the winners in bold below.

Closer Look: Deep Thoughts for Sossamon in Monte Hellman’s Road to Nowhere

In Venice this year, there's the more "known" tale of rivalry between young females in Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan and then we have an additional, lesser-known girls "backstabbing one another" with Monte Hellman's Road to Nowhere.

Black Swan: Ballet Competition Opens 2010 Venice Competition

The Lido will have it's Black Swan. Darren Aronofsky who brought The Wrestler to the festival a couple of years earlier will go in without having to worry about bidding wars and the such as it is Fox Searchlight that owns the title and will be opening (and not as I had predicted Focus Features The American) the oldest film festival that matters.
