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TIFF 2009 Day 3: François Ozon’s Le Refuge

Simply constructed, without no large, sweeping emotional cues, a behind a big pair of shades Isabelle Carré effortlessly runs a gamut of emotions in minor keys.

TIFF Picks 09: François Ozon’s Le Refuge

Le refuge one came out of the woodworks rather quickly, reminding us that Ozon's one film per year pacing in the last decade makes him one of the hardest working filmmakers around.

2012 Cannes Film Festival Predictions: François Ozon’s In the House

Gist: With not much to go on, I think In the House might belong to the murky noir offerings in Ozon's filmography such as Swimming...

2024 San Sebastián: Alberdi, Ozon, Oppenheimer, Costa-Gavras, Leigh & Laura Carreira & Xin Huo Debuts in Comp

Eleven Golden Shell competition films have been announced this morning, joining the previously selected quintet. This year's lineup features a mix of veteran directors,...

Thinking Triple XXX in Ozon’s Double Lover (2017) | Blu-ray Review

Though it will perhaps be best remembered as a sordid little slice of Eurotrash, there’s a lot of fun to be had with Francois...


Gladiator II | Review

The Devil’s Bath (Des Teufels Bad) | Review

Agnes of God: Franz & Fiala’s Bleak Portrait of...