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Strange by ‘Design’: Gondry’s part of Tôkyô! revealed

Via Director File (the one stop for Michel Gondry info on news), further details on Gondry's contribution to Tôkyô! have been revealed: actually we...

Brad Pitt confirms role in Malick’s Tree of Life

On Monday night's hour with Charlie Rose, guest Brad Pitt discussed private life, public life, his departure from State of Play, career path...

Depp & Mann are ‘Public Enemies’

Its official- Michael Mann & Johnny Depp are teaming up on Public Enemies over at Universal. This comes about a week after the announcement...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2008: #78 Incendiary

#78. Incendiary Director/Writer: Sharon MaguireProducers: Adrienne Maguire, Andy Paterson (Beyond the Sea), Anand Tucker (Girl with a Pearl Earring) Distributor: Currently Seeking Distribution ...

Boston Society of Film Critics: No Country for Old Men wins Best Pic

The first among a slew of critic associations, societies and circles, the Boston Society of Film Critics awarded home town fav. Gone Baby Gone...


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