Tag: Dante Ariola

The Burnt Orange Heresy | Review

Pleasure to Burn: Capotondi Returns with Entertaining Neo-Noir Murder really can be turned into art, it seems, in Giuseppe Capotondi’s return to narrative filmmaking with...

Arthur Newman | Review

Hello, Newman: Ariola’s Meditation on Getting a Life Fails to Have One For a film whose tagline aggressively demands, “If you don’t have a life,...


Prix Iris 2024: Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person Leads “Quebec Oscars” Noms

Ariane Louis-Seize's Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (winner...

48th Résidence du Festival de Cannes: Animalia’s Sofia Alaoui Among the Half Dozen Invites

Franco-Moroccan filmmaker Sofia Alaoui (behind the brilliant Sundance Grand...

Combustible Substances: Pete Ohs Filmed ‘Erupcja’ with Charli XCX & Jeremy O. Harris in Poland

Micro-budget American indie filmmaker Pete Ohs really doesn't miss...