After premiering in the Directors' Fortnight and landing at the New York Film Festival, The Souvenir Part II - filmmaker Joanna Hogg’s highly-anticipated follow...
The Souvenir: Part II
Produced by Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Emma Norton, Luke Schiller.
Directed by Joanna Hogg
Written by Joanna Hogg
Starring: Honor Swinton-Byrne, Richard Ayoade, Ariane...
The Souvenir: Part II
British director Joanna Hogg’s fourth feature The Souvenir finally brought her to much deserved international acclaim after premiering at the 2019...
The Souvenir
British director Joanna Hogg is due to break out in a big way with her fourth feature, The Souvenir, an ambitious, star-studded project...