Comedic neo-noir is difficult to achieve, not unlike a recent trend of popular hybrids sporting humor and horror as freely interchangeable elements, resulting in...
Sweet Child of Mine: Basinger Buoys Bizarre Psycho Drama
Danish director Anders Morgenthaler (Princess, 2006) returns with The 11th Hour, a strange, psychological drama with...
Sweet, Oily November: Amata’s Agonizingly Clunky Issue Film
Nigerian filmmaker Jeta Amata’s fourth feature Black November sports a slew of notable American faces in this...
World Crash: Haggis Overextends His Usual Formula
Two’s company, three’s a crowd. Or so the saying goes. Further beating the interrelated/intersecting characters and multiple storyline...
I'm Here
Director: Anders Morgenthaler
Writer: Anders Morgenthaler
Producers: Marie Gade Denessen, Julie Lind-Holm
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Kim Basinger, Jordan Prentice, Peter Stormare
While his 2006 film, Princess,...