Decidedly the psychological state of the protagonist (Rinko Kikuchi) in the David and Nathan Zellner's Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter is slightly off its axis, yet she...
Over the span of five short years, John Cooper and Trevor Groth's branded <=> section has not only become a destination for "bold, distinguished by an...
New distrib Amplify has steadily built up their own Sundance Film Fest film arsenal (Little Accidents, The Better Angels, God Help the Girl), and now according...
Eric Lavallee: Name me three of your favorite “2013 discoveries”...
Nathan Zellner: Computer Chess, more Claire Denis, MySpace.
Lavallee: Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter is based on...
Eric Lavallee: Name me three of your favorite “2013 discoveries”...
David Zellner: 1. Seeing Viva Maria! in 35mm. That movie is pure joy. 2. Gerhard...
This Thursday, the Sundance Film Festival celebrates its 30th anniversary and since we've covered about 1/3rd of the event and have fond memories of...