Tag: Nick Love

Top 50 Future TV Binge List: Cannes Vets Coen Bros., Refn & Haneke Top Inaugural Chart

With TV being the new orange, it's becoming increasing difficult to keep tabs on what our filmmaker favorite are up to and while we...

American Hero | Review

Street Wise Hercules: Love’s Homespun Superhero Film Too Conventional for Kicks No one can deny the super hero is now an immovable staple of Hollywood...

The Sweeney | Review

You’re Nicked: Love’s Latest a Resurrection of Classic Franchise After a successful classic UK series and two appreciated film versions from the late 70s, director...

Exclusive Clip: Ray Winstone is Looking Up Your Skirt in Nick Love’s The Sweeney

We've come to associate the raspy Ray Winstone to antagonist/villain-like roles of corruption, the underground and outlaws (favorites include Sexy Beast, The Proposition), but...


Interview: Katla Sólnes – Eruption / 2025 Sundance Screenwriters Lab Fellow

We had the chance to speak to a small...

Parthenope | Review

The Boring & Beautiful: Sorrentino’s Tone Deaf Portrait of...

Bring Them Down | Review

Everybody Hurts: All Pain and No Gain in Christopher...

Interview: Natalia León – Como si la tierra se las hubiera tragado (2025 Sundance Short)

A touching, sober, political and poignant text on femicide,...