A New York-native, first time writer/director Nia DaCosta premiered her poignant family drama, Little Woods, on home turf at Tribeca 2018. Set in the...
Known for her eye-opening documentaries, Emmy-winning producer/director Madeleine Sackler had not one but two films in 2018’s Tribeca Film Festival: It’s a Hard Truth, Ain’t...
Emma Forrest has been a writer all of her life. Now, she’s a director too. The British-American journalist, novelist and screenwriter, debuted her first...
We sat down with first-time writer/director Eva Vives to discuss her Tribeca 2018 hit: the provocative love story All About Nina (interview below). Vives...
Paul Lieberstein — perhaps better known as Toby Flenderson from NBC’s The Office—made his feature film debut at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival with...