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Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2010: Wong Kar-Wai’s The Grand Master

We commenced the 00 decade with In the Mood for Love and ended with the Blueberry blemish - an uncharacteristic low point in an otherwise bullet proof filmography. Now the big question and curiosity is what kind of aesthetic and tonal treatment is planning for a film with two WKW firsts: biographical and martial art elements.

More on the plate for Wong Kar-Wai

After nearly driving himself to the breaking point with his suicidal 5 year film project called 2046, it looks like that the Hong Kong...

2011 Cannes Croisette Colored in Dunaway, Kar-wai, Bertolucci, Inarritu, Schroeder and Audiard

Before making his Palme d'Or winner Scarecrow, Jerry Schatzberg made his debut Puzzle of a Downfall Child with 'it' girl Faye Dunaway. The film has somewhat disappeared for all but Dunaway completists, but that will change this year, beginning with the release of the poster for the 64th edition of the Cannes International Film Festival.

SPC picks up new/old Wong Kar Wai film

After last night's premiere of Wong Kar-wai's My Blueberry Nights at Cannes Sony Pictures Classics announced today that they would be releasing Wong's 1994 martial...

25 Alternative 2011 TIFF Picks: Xu Haofeng’s The Sword Identity

Multidisciplinarian Xu Haofeng is not only a newbie filmmaker but happens to be a novelist, Taoist scholar, martial-arts connoisseur and co-writer for Wong Kar-wai’s The Grand Master. The word on this Venice Film Festival invited title is that it takes the genre into a completely different realm - we Haofeng calling this “inner martial arts“ presented visually and aurally. Count me in!


Emilia Pérez | Review

Risky Business: Audiard Surprises with Vibrant Genre Musical Although...