Eric Lavallee: Name me three of your favorite “2014 discoveries”…
Shih-Ching Tsou: I was secretly searching for the best french toast in New York city. In the end of 2014, I finally found the best french toast in town. And I never knew that a piece of french toast could make me so happy.
Lavallee: Was wondering since you’ve been a creative partner sharing co-directing duties on Take Out and also producing Take Out, Starlet and now Tangerine, first how would you first describe you working/creative relationship with Sean and secondly, what do you like best about his intimate, naturalistic approach to storylines and characters?
Tsou: Sean and I worked on three features together, and it has been a blast. Sean is a very talented filmmaker, working with him is always inspiring and fun. We both enjoyed Dogme 95 films, and deeply influenced by them. Sean’s work is inspired by people in real life. I like that he always tells his story in the most realistic way possible.
Lavallee: On paper, Tangerine rolls into what appears to go into shady, murky waters of Los Angeles, could you discuss some of the challenges in finding the setting/locations.
Tsou: We actually picked the location and the idea of the story started right there. We were attracted by the aura of Downtown LA (to be specific-the corner of Highland Ave and Santa Monica Blvd.) and the energy there. One of the biggest challenge was that we could never shut down any business while shooting on locations. The business had to stay in operation, which added to the already hectic set.