Da’ Blood of Jesus
Director: Spike Lee
Writer: Spike Lee
Producer: Spike Lee’s 40 Acres & A Mule Filmworks
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Michael K. Williams, Felicia Pearson, Elvis Nolasco
While his “reimagining” of Chan Park-wook’s Oldboy was one of the biggest flops of 2013 (and, unnecessarily so), we’re still excited to see what the end product will be of Lee’s infamous Kickstarter funded film project. Details have been ominous and scant (and that glorious poster art, to die for). While his last self-funded film, 2012’s Red Hook Summer suffered from some wooden acting (though the second half of the film is actually quite well done), this marks an intriguing change of pace for Lee. While the biggest problem with the Oldboy rehash was perhaps the general lack of interest, the opposite effect should take place with the memorably titled Da’ Sweet Blood of Jesus. IMdB credits the non-urbanized version of the title, so we’ll see if eventual distributors get scared away by dat ‘vernacular.’
Gist: A movie about human beings who are addicted to blood.
Release Date: Cannes would be lovely, but based on the grassroots approach Lee’s taken, he might skip the fest route altogether or build buzz for summer or fall release.
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