Saving the best for last, it was nice to watch a world premiere for a film that had already won an award (the jury, who had seen the film before handing out the night’s prizes hit the bulls-eye with Andrei Zvyagintsev’s third feature (the award-winning 2003’s The Return and 2007’s The Banishment). A complex character study with a slow burn desperation, Elena is one about the civilized war between classes expertly detailed by the film’s lead. If this would have been a Main Comp entry, the Best actress award race between Tilda Swinton, Elena Anaya and Kirsten Dunst would have also included, Nadezhda Markina. Here’s the premiere night presentation and standing O.
Inside the 2011 Cannes Film Festival Day 10: 21 Andrey Zvyagintsev’s Elena