Shia LeBeouf, Julie Christie, Susan Sarandon, Chris Cooper, Nick Nolte, Terrance Howard, Stanley Tucci, Richard Jenkins, Anna Kendrick, Brendon Gleeson and Brit Marling teamed-up with and alongside Robert Redford for THE COMPANY YOU KEEP, the 2012 TIFF preemed political action thriller comes out on Blu-ray/DVD release on August 13th. Here’s your first look at the cover and special feature details.
Special Features Include:
§ “Behind the Scenes: The Movement” – Cast and Crew discuss the movement that inspired a group of young activists to form “The Weather Underground.”
§ “Behind the Scenes: The Script, Preparation and The Cast” – This featurette focuses on the process of writing the script, preparing to shoot and casting the amazing talent.
§ “On The Red Carpet” – On the red carpet at the New York premiere
§ The Company You Keep Press Conference with Robert Redford, Stanley Tucci, Brit Marling & Jackie Evancho