Shaz Bennett has her own unique history with the Sundance Film Festival having worked for them as a programmer before it was even known as Sundance. Flash-forward a couple of decades later, and Bennett took her 2012 short of the same name and elongated it into a feature length film. Alaska is a Drag is self-described as if Rocky and Hedwig had a love child and not only did the LGBT friendly, loud and proud DIY title become a hit on Kickstarter but this summer emerged as the big winner at the US in Progress in Poland this October landing major post production coin. No doubt this feels a little reckless, spirited and memorably micro.
Gist: Leo dreams of becoming an International Superstar, but these dreams are hard fought stuck working in a fish cannery in Alaska.
Production Co./Producers: Bennett, Diane Becker, Melanie Miller.
Prediction: NEXT section or a Narrative Comp item at SXSW.
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available. TBD (domestic). TBD (international)
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