Jet lagged journalists make it their temporary workplace; film market folk make deals in the millions and the jet set make it their playground. Cannes is big stakes commerce, champagne chic and is the sweet tooth desert plate for film addicts who’ve managed to make a profession out of watching moving images. From afar, I’ve been in awe of this festival and have treasured many of the films that have made their international splash here. In the first hours of getting my feet wet, my goose-bumpish response to the setting and journey ahead is identifiable by the pre-organismic smirk on my face. Please join me for the next 11 days ahead – its safe say that we are in for something special.
Cannes turns 60 this year and it doesn’t show its age. With its contemporary feel and lottery-winning poses, this year’s festival poster predominately features the broad appeal that recent actors and directors (Cannes golden nuggets) have with the movie-going world.’s participation in this event confirms that Cannes’ fest organizers are looking towards the future – online film journalism is changing film criticism (for the best and the worse). The media influx, the paparazzi-like insanity obsessed with the glamour is a welcomed part of the festival, a lot more interesting than the film market but of course less charming than watching world cinema at its very best.
Today this festival opens with WKW's first foray into English language. My Blueberry Nights also happens to be a first for singer Norah Jones – she trades in the microphone and piano bars for boom mics and Jude Law's lips.
On the Menu: With only one film to choose from (the opening film) I'll get my first taste of Cannes.