Focus Features, the specialty films division of Universal Pictures, has snapped up Erik Lindsay’s romantic comedy Cougars and paired him up once again with Joe Nussbaum to helm the project. The duo previously teamed up for the upcoming “American Pie 5:The Naked Mile”, set to release in 2007, as writer and director respectively.
The story is set to revolve around a group of young men who have grown tired of dating women their own age and discover the pleasure of dating older women. Nussbaum has had other successful projects recently with Warner picking up Nussbaums comedy “Brad Cutter Ruined My Life…. Again” for Donald DeLine to produce, and he co-wrote “How to Eat Fried Worms” for Imagine Entertainment, New Line and Walden Media. He previously wrote and directed the spec film “George Lucas in Love” in 1999. This marks Lindsay’s second foray into the writing world, having had previous experience acting in 2002’s “Slapshot 2:Breaking the Ice”.