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James Franco Separates the Sheep from the…; Andrew Neel Makes a Pledge for “Goat”

Some indie projects take their time to find proper footing. After falling in the laps of David Gordon Green, Jeff Nichols and actor Emile...

Top 200 Most Anticipated Films for 2014: #156. James Franco’s The Sound and the Fury

The Sound and the Fury Director: James Franco Writer: Matt Rager Producers: Caroline Aragon, Lee Caplin, Vince Jolivette U.S. Distributor: Rights Available Cast: James Franco, Tim Blake Nelson, Loretta...

2014 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: James Franco’s Black Dog, Red Dog

Not unlike Joseph Gordon-Levitt's rapport with the festival, Sundance has become a place where James Franco/RabbitBandini Productions gets to both test-drive and showcase his...

2014 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: James Franco’s Bukowski

Right after he wrapped up his '13 Sundance experience, Franco, the movie industry's poetry geek, hit the brinks and commenced lensing in Los Angeles...

Stranger than Fiction; Jonah Hill and James Franco to Both Play Finkel in ‘True Story’

Brad Pitt's prod co. Plan B appear to have pulled True Story from the back-burner - the book that is described as "a spellbinding tale of murder, love, and deceit with a deeply personal inquiry into the slippery nature of truth" hit store shelves in 2005 has (according to Deadline) found its cat & mouse/victim & victimizers in a pair of A-listers.
