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True Story | Review

The Killer Beside Me: Goold’s Debut Warps Grisly Headline into Funereal Pallor The rapidly fluctuating career of James Franco got a dramatic jumpstart with a...

Ian Olds, Geremy Jasper, Boots Riley & Laure de Clermont Tonnerre Among SFFS / KRF Filmmaking Grant Finalists

If you're looking for a comprehensive overview of the not so distant future in American indie film, a reliable sampling is usually found in...

Stranger Than Science-Fiction: Steven Shainberg Senses the “Rupture”

Before 50 Shades of Grey was made fashionable by mainstream auds, Secretary was a sizzler cubicle space title that made Steven Shainberg a sought after indie...

I Am Michael | 2015 Sundance Film Festival Review

True Story: Kelly’s Objective Exploration of Sensational Subject For his directorial debut I Am Michael, Justin Kelly takes a provocative, controversial subject and crafts it...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2015: #64. Werner Herzog’s Queen of the Desert

Queen of the Desert Director: Werner Herzog // Writer: Werner Herzog One of the most prominent members of the New German Wave happens to be Werner...
