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2012 Sundance Predictions: Carter’s Maladies

Having worked with Franco before on Erased James Franco (short film which sees Franco re-enacts scenes from his filmography and reinterprets Julianne Moore's role in Todd Haynes' Safe) Carter's directorial debut continues with the notion of performance. Maladies will forever be known as the film that set Franco off towards a stint on General Hospital in 2010. With Catherine Keener and David Strathairn we see this as an almost sure bet in the Premieres section.

2012 Sundance Predictions: Stephen Elliott’s Cherry

After James Franco picked up Stephen Elliott's memoir The Adderall Diaries for a screen adaptation, somewhere along the way the author got to go behind the camera and cast Franco along with Heather Graham, Lili Taylor and Dev Patel in Cherry, an indie pic about the porn biz that was shot last May. Fest programmers are already warm to Franco's work, and if they take kindly to the film then a little sizzle might go a long way in the crisp month of January. A Premieres showing seems likely.

Gustin Nash to Grade ‘Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test’

Gus Van Sant has landed Charlie Bartlett and Youth in Revolt scribe Gustin Nash for a rewrite job on the much anticipated Fox Searchlight title, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. The original screenplay was penned by Milk writer Dustin Lance Black. Once the final pages are complete - we should expect a fruitful casting process - with stoner-faced James Franco as an ideal candidate for Van Sant to re-team with.

Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2011: Ariel Vromen’s The Iceman

You have the true story element here, plus three factors: James Franco, Benicio Del Toro and Michael Shannon.

Top Posters of 2010: #9 127 Hours

’m a sucker for clever one sheets - but I guess with 127 Hours, I wasn't "looking" at the poster the right way. The conundrum was solved after thinking about why the elements (James Franco and boulder) in the poster weren't according to the film's plot...and then the whole sand through the hourglass kicked in.
