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The Kevin Smith Collection (Blu-Ray) | DVD Review

The films are as endearingly vulgar, mildly offensive, and hugely entertaining as ever, but even the low-fi Clerks has never looked or sounded better.

Splitsville: Sarah Adina Smith Enlists Rami Malek for “Buster’s Mal Heart”

It's been a long time coming for Short Term 12 supporting player Rami Malek, but the momentum built around television's highly successful "Mr.Robot" has landed him...

Tracking Shot April 2010: Butter, Oranges, Help Me Spread Goodness, We Need to Talk About Kevin

Fans of the annual Blacklist will notice top tier items from 2008 in Oranges (#2) and Butter (#3) are going into production. Butter still has some casting work before setting up shop in Louisana. The state will also be the host to the next Duplass comedy entitled, Jeff Who Lives at Home.

Rogen & Banks in Smith’s ‘Porno’

Seth Rogan and Elizabeth Banks have signed on to play the title roles in Kevin Smith's latest- Zack and Miri Make a Porno- in...

Fantasia Celebrates 15 Years with Killer Line-up

Montreal's Fantasia International Film Festival turns 15 years old this summer, and sandwiched between the official opening and closing films - Kevin Smith's horror bow Red State and the Guillermo del Toro-scripted and -produced remake of 1973's Don't Be Afraid of The Dark, respectively - will be more than 120 features, 240 short films, 110 invited guests hosting screenings of their films, and numerous special events including the bestowing of lifetime achievement awards and round table discussions. Below is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what's on offer this year.


The Order | Review

Oh, Canada | Review

Pieces of a Man: Schrader Explores Atonement in Toned...