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2022 Locarno Film Festival: Mazuy, Wittmann, Murat, Verheyde & Woo Ming Jin Vying for the Golden Leopard

It'll be a field of seventeen competition offerings from the likes of master filmmaker Aleksandr Sokurov (Fairytale) to a pair of first time (not...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2020: #117. The Best is Yet to Come – Wang Jing

The Best is Yet to Come Jia Zhang-ke made headlines at this year’s Pingyao International Film Festival when he announced a trio of new projects...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2020: #119. Les Années 10 – Thierry de Peretti

Les Années 10 Long time actor and director Thierry de Peretti should have his highly anticipated third feature, Les Années 10 (formerly known as L’Infiltre)...


The Girl With the Needle | Review

Casa de los Babys: von Horn Hits a Bleak...

Power Alley (Levante) | Review

That Time of the Month: Halla Offers Ringside Seats...

The Seed of the Sacred Fig | Review

Way of the Gun: Rasoulof’s Bold, Blunt Indictment of...

Queer | Review