In what is an increasingly convoluted ceremony (remember that each category is determined by a mere five individuals), All of Us Strangers takes the...
After a detour in television, Weekend (2011) and 45 Year (2015) filmmaker returns to cinema with Strangers - a film Andrew Haigh directed in...
Women Talking
Produced by Hear/Say Productions' Frances McDormand, Plan B Entertainment's Dede Gardner, Brad Pitt and Jeremy Kleiner.
Directed by Sarah Polley
Written by Sarah Polley
Starring: Frances...
Wain’s World: Sharpe Presents Loving Portrait of an Artist
It’s odd to reflect upon a time when felines weren’t regarded as a stereotypical domesticated fur...
A relatively new talent both in front and behind the camera, Will Sharpe starred in Netflix drama Giri/Haji, directed quirky British comedy Flowers, is...
Perhaps the American cousin to the quirky Danish folks in the Dogme movement and their desire to switch gears, Steven Soderbergh has been experimenting...