The Sorrows of Milk: Hákonarson Returns for More Rural Retribution
Iceland’s Grímur Hákonarson heads to Norma Rae (1979) territory in the agricultural hinterlands with third...
The County
Four years after his hit sophomore film Rams (2015), Iceland’s Grimur Hakonarson should at last be ready with his third feature, The County....
The County
Director: Grimur Hakonarson
Writer: Grimur Hakonarson
Rising to the top of notable Icelandic film directors is Grimur Hakonarson, whose 2015 sophomore feature Rams won the...
Anne Sewitsky's Sundance preemed Homesick, Cannes preemed Romanian imports from Radu Muntean's One Floor Below and Corneliu Porumboiu's The Treasure along with Athina Rachel...