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Top 100 Most Anticipated American Independent Films of 2019: #19. Harmony Korine’s The Beach Bum

The Beach Bum His sixth feature film comes a full seven years since 2012's Spring Breakers revitalized his career path, The Beach Bum went into...

2019 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: #10. Harmony Korine – The Beach Bum

With Utah having more relaxed laws for marijuana use, perhaps a weed laced smell-o-vision Park City screening isn't such a far-fetched idea after all....

Top 100 Most Anticipated American Indie Films of 2018: #6. Harmony Korine’s The Beach Bum

The Beach Bum With the possibility of making this a true immersive experience (ordrama?!), much like the cult status of previous numbers, Harmony Korine's reefer...

Tracking Shot: Reed Morano, Jim Cummings & Harmony Korine Shooting in November

“Tracking Shot” is a top of month featurette here on that looks at the projects that are moments away from lensing. Normally, we...

2013 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Harmony Korine’s Spring Breakers

With a smartly devised spring release date set, Harmony Korine's Spring Breakers has already broken out in 2012 with showings at Venice and Toronto,...
