7 Chinese Brothers and Somebody Up There Likes Me helmer Bob Byington is testing the old cliché of enjoying them when you can because they grow up so fast gets thrown out with the bathwater in this Gondry-sounding high concept comedy that Deadline reports is going into production at the end of this week. Amassing a huge name cast, Kieran Culkin, Nick Offerman, and Megan Mullally are in negotiations to topline Infinity Baby, while Jon Togo, Kevin Corrigan, Martin Starr, Noel Wells, Stephen Root, Trieste Dunn (Applesauce) and possibly Zoe Graham are among the film’s supporting players. Barry Lacina, Rebecca Eskreis, Veronica Leon and Offerman are producing, while Faliro House’s Christos Konstantakopoulos is exec producing.
Gist: This is about babies that don’t age. Culkin plays a guy who works at Infinity Baby, a company tasked with farming out 3-month-olds.
Worth Noting: This is one of the rare films that filmmaker Onur Tukel has written and will not direct. His next project is the highly anticipated Catfight.
Do We Care?: A true family affair with several returning faces, I’m predicting that high concept pays off in 2017.