Caste of the Unjust: DuVernay’s Scholarly Drama Traces the Universal Social Ills of Hierarchy
For her fifth narrative feature, Origin, Ava DuVernay takes an inventive...
Loosey Goosey: Hawley Gets Histrionic with Uneven Melodrama
At the end of Now, Voyager (1942) the chain-smoking Bette Davis delivers her iconic line to Paul...
Fault in Our Tastes: Teenage Death Gets Warmed Over in Gomez-Rejon’s Celebrated Sophomore Film
Taking home the Grand Jury and Audience prize following its warmly...
Knight of Cups
Director: Terrence Malick
Writer: Terrence Malick
Producers: Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green, Ken Kao
U.S. Distributor: Rights Available
Cast: Joel Kinnaman, Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Imogen Poots,...